Hollow is originally created by Drew Koszewnik with the advice and support of fellow members of the Data Platform Technologies team at Netflix:
- David Su
- Deva Jayaraman
- Jatin Shah
- Kinesh Satiya
- Lavanya Kanchanapalli
- Ramin Forood
- Rohit Kaul
- Tim Taylor
Hollow is maintained by the Data Platform Technologies team at Netflix.
Hollow makes use of an implementation of the MurmurHash3 algorithm authored by Yonik Seeley.
Hollow makes use of Thomas Wang's well known 32-bit mix function, which is based on an original suggestion by Robert Jenkins.
The hollow-diff-ui object diff view was inspired in part by Chas Emerick's jsdifflib, and borrows some of the .css from that project.
This documentation was created with MkDocs, using a theme from material.